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How to improve the efficiency of hydraulic equipment

2017-04-20 10:08:31 3394

Title: hydraulic system manufacturing, hydraulic cylinder manufacturing, hydraulic components manufacturing, hydraulic machinery sales - Changzhou B hydraulic, ten years of sales leader!

1 hydraulic machine operator must be familiar with the principle of hydraulic system, familiar with the role of the main hydraulic components of the system, to grasp the order of operation of the system.

2 in start-up equipment before, should check whether all the movement mechanism and the solenoid valve into the original state, check oil level, if abnormal or insufficient oil, should be prohibited from starting the hydraulic pump motor, and for maintenance personnel to repair.

3 the operator should always check the working condition of the hydraulic system, observe the working pressure and speed, check the size of the workpiece and the wear of the props, so as to ensure the stability and reliability of the hydraulic system.

4 when the oil temperature in the tank is not up to 25 DEG C in winter, the implementing agencies can not start to work in sequence, but can only start the hydraulic pump motor to turn the hydraulic pump. During the summer work, when the oil temperature in the tank is higher than 60 DEG C, pay attention to observe the working condition of the hydraulic system, and notify the maintenance personnel to handle

5 operator can not damage the interlock system of the electrical system, can not be driven by hand control valve, can not damage or move the location of each operation file.

6 more than 4 hours to stop the hydraulic equipment, before starting work, should start the hydraulic pump motor 5-10min to work with pressure.

7 when the hydraulic system failure, the operator can not move, should immediately report to the maintenance department.

8 hydraulic equipment should be kept clean, to prevent dust, cutting cutting fluid, cutting, cotton and other debris into the tank.

Key words: hydraulic system manufacturing, hydraulic cylinder manufacturing, hydraulic components manufacturing, hydraulic machinery sales, B & B hydraulic your best choice!