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Composition and working principle of hydraulic cylinder

2017-04-20 10:49:05 2912

Hydraulic cylinder is a hydraulic actuator that can convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and do linear reciprocating motion (or swing motion). The following is mainly to introduce the structure and working principle of hydraulic cylinder.

A cylinder (TUBE) consists of four parts: 1 cylinder block 2 flange 3 cylinder bottom of the 4 bushings

Two. Piston rod (ROD) is made up of three parts: the 1 rod body, the 2 earring and the 3 bushing

Each of the above parts; the interior of the cylinder by the piston is divided into two parts, respectively, large and small lumens;

After the piston rod is fully extended, the inner cavity of the cylinder body;

The piston rod extends into the cavity completely, the cylinder body and the rod body cavity;

Due to the high viscosity of hydraulic oil, the compression ratio is very small, when the bottom of the oil tank into the oil, the piston will be pushed to make the cylinder head oil outlet oil, the piston rod to drive out or retract the movement, and vice versa.

The principle of hydraulic cylinder: almost all of the working principle of each type is similar to that by manual pressure stalk (hydraulic manual pump) of the hydraulic oil through a one-way valve into the cylinder, the hydraulic oil into the cylinder because the reasons for individual valve can not be returned back to force the cylinder rod, and then continue to work in the hydraulic oil entering the hydraulic cylinder, thus increasing, open the hydraulic valve to drop, the hydraulic oil back to tank, this is the most simple working principle, the other is improved on the basis of the principle of cylinder with cylinder is basically the same.