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Hydraulic system must comply with the crane operation

2017-04-20 10:09:13 2944

Crane is hydraulic power, with a variety of hydraulic devices. Therefore, if you do not comply with the rules of operation and maintenance, not only can not give full play to the performance, but also shorten the service life of the machine. Therefore, in carrying out the work, must comply with the following matters.

1, before the operation, should be determined by the tank liquid level window to determine whether the hydraulic oil foot, less than the prescribed line below, it must be supplemented. Refueling, refueling filter must be injected, and pays attention to not entering into the different grades of oil or water impure character.

2, filter oil filter in the work of 250h, should be checked, if necessary, cleaning or replacement.

3, the hydraulic system of the valve has been fully tested before the factory, and has adjusted the pressure and flow, must not touch.

4, all kinds of parts, especially the hydraulic system of the device, are not dirt adhesion. After the operation, we must clear the dust, oil pollution.

5, the hydraulic oil tank should be every half a month from the bottom of oil discharge outlet clear water and impurities once, and every year (or full 2000h) to replace all hydraulic oil (the oil deterioration does not occur in the case, may be appropriate to extend the oil change period). When the crane in the use of the environment is particularly bad in the operation, the oil replacement cycle should be shortened accordingly.

Keywords: hydraulic system manufacturing, hydraulic cylinder manufacturing, hydraulic components manufacturing, hydraulic machinery sales